Monday, April 21, 2014

Coffee Break!

Do you like iced coffee or hot coffee? Does it depend on the weather? I know my choice of coffee definitely depends on the weather. But does your choice of coffee also depend on the amount of calories…? When I go to Dunkin’ Donuts, I get a medium iced caramel swirl with cream and sugar. That drink has 260 calories, 80 calories from fat, and 37 grams of sugar. Yeah… that’s a lot of calories for a liquid. When I am at home in California, we don’t have DD so I am kind of stuck with Starbucks. But besides the point, when I go there I get an iced caramel macchiato. A grande (medium) iced caramel macchiato with whole milk is 260 calories, 90 calories from fat, and 31 grams of sugar. Again, so many calories in just one drink!

So the simple solution to this if you must have your coffee, ask for it skinny. Basically getting a “skinny” drink means skim milk instead of whole milk or cream, or getting sugar free syrup instead of the normal syrup. Also, ask for Splenda instead of regular sugar and try a smaller size than what you would normally get. Saving a few calories here and there when you can is always a plus!

Stay beYOUtiful ladies:)

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